Thursday, June 11, 2009

2 months old!

Hey, here is a quick update on how McKayla is doing at 2 months!

1 month-
weight: 10 lb 1 oz (75%)
height: 22.5 in (90%)
head: 14.5 in (25-50%)

2 month-
weight: 12 lb 6 oz (75-90%)
height: 24.5 in (98%)
head: 15 in (25-30%)

McKayla is doing amazing!! She has figured out how to work the buttons to play music in her excersaucer. She sits very well in her bumboo seat (sitting positioner). And LOVES to stand now. She has just started to go in her jumper so she can stand on her own and she loves it. doesnt jump too much yet, but just being able to stand makes her happy. She had two shots and one oral today and handled them all very well and is now sleeping it off with tylenol. Also, she will be wearing size 2 diapers when we buy the next batch. Eats 5-6 oz every 3-4 hours and goes to bed about 10-11pm and gets up anywhere from 8-10am. We are the most well rested new parents ever! McKayla is such a great little girl!! Everyday she learns more and more and amazes us. She also loves to talk to you and likes it when you read her books. She really sits still and takes time to look at the pages! She still rarely cries and always has a smile on her face. Its hard to believe how much she has grown in the last month. her next appointment wont be until August when she is 4 months old.

Photos from her second trip to the Indianapolis Zoo