Can you believe it?
McKayla is 3 months old already! she has changed so much in the last month...She can lay on her belly and hold her head up at a 90 degree angle and roll over (just belly to back). She has just started to notice textures and tries so hard to pick things up. She is now an assisted sitter. She loves to sit up on the couch and look at her feet and do legs lifts. She can now hold onto a rattle and shake it. Talks NON STOP and has just started to really laugh. In size 2 diapers and eats 6 oz every 3 hours. She is getting so long! She is now wearing a lot of size 6 month outfits. Has a bedtime now at 9:30 - 10 pm and will get up about 8 am and have a bottle then go back to sleep till almost noon. She is now sleeping in her own room and is doing so well! She will fuss for about 10 minutes then falls asleep. I just cant believe how fast she is growing! time really does fly by in a blink of an eye!!