Thursday, August 20, 2009

purees, purees (part 1)

Hey! Here is a quick update on how Mckayla is doing with her purees. And by the way, making them is so much easier (and cheaper) than buying the food.

Green beans: Not sure the first time but LOVES them now.
Carrots: I was surprised by this one. She hates them!
Banana puree: Will eat it alone, but not too crazy about it. Likes it in her oatmeal.
Apple sauce: Will eat them, but at first too tart for her liking. Likes them a little better now.
Oatmeal/Rice cereal: Likes them (oatmeal more), but even more with apple or pear juice in it.

I have noticed that she is not too crazy about the sweeter ones yet. So far she eats 2 puree cubes (1 oz each) and 4 oz of formula. Such a good eater!

rice cereal

happy camper!

drinking from a big cup...


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

4 months old!!


last app. (2 months)
weight: 12 lb 6 oz (75-90%)
height: 24.5 in (98%)
head: 15 in (25-30%)

4 months
weight: 14 lb 14 oz (75%)
height: 26 in (90%)
head: 15.9 in (25%)

I know I say this every month..BUT..I can't believe she is 4 months old already!! She has changed so much in the past month...Past few weeks even! She is eating 5-7 oz bottles every 3 hours and now eating rice and oatmeal (alternated) 3 times a day. She likes it when you put juice (pear so far) in her cereal and not too crazy about the texture of bananas. The doctor gave us the okay to start on her veggie purees. So, we are starting her on carrots this Saturday. And I am making all of them. She had two shots and an oral yesterday and so far is doing great. She can now stand on her own if holding into something; Still trying to crawl and getting real close; and just in the past few days has really made big strides towards sitting unsupported! She can sit for up to a minute until she starts to fall forward, but then has started to be able to pull back up. She still loves to talk and have conversations with you. One of my favorite things she does now is, when she is tired, she will rub her eyes...It is so sweet. And her and I both love 'mommy-baby' cuddle time. She still spoils us with her sleeping skills. She goes to bed about 10-10:30 pm and gets up at 9-10 am. And most of the time I go and wake her up cause otherwise she pees through her diaper. That's pretty much her update so far. I am just so grateful to have such a sweet and happy baby :) She makes our day every time she smiles. Her next appointment is at 6 months

Too too cute....

Sunday, August 2, 2009

a special day....

Today is a special day because it marks one year since we found out we were going to have a baby! We were so happy and couldn't wait to embark on our pregnancy journey!

Tyler's birthday surprise.